1 min read

Getting things going around here...

Getting things going around here...
Photo by Jukan Tateisi / Unsplash

Great beginnings come from small places, I look for this to be a personal blog of masonic things that are interesting to me, and I hope to you, dear reader.

I'm Dalton, I'm a Past Master of Mizpah Lodge #302 in Omaha, NE. We're located in the heart of the Morton Meadows neighborhood. Mizpah was instituted in June of 1919, and has to-date never repeated a Master. I bring this up to share where my beginnings began, I've been a Master Mason for 12 1/2 years, and served as Master of Mizpah in 2021.

Don't expect regular shares from me here, I'm often sporadic and prone to fits of ADHD fixation. But I hope this place will grow into something great.

Thats all for now,

Thanks for reading.